1 Reviews
Optimal Health Chiropractic Center offers an evidence-based, integrated approach to patient health care.
Rather than following traditional chiropractic treatment programs, an integrated approach to your healthcare is based on clinical research. Each patient is unique, requiring equally distinctive treatment programs. While chiropractic adjustments are important, they are only one health care tool. Some patients need adjustments, others benefit from muscular manipulation and a majority of our patients require a combination of joint manipulation, muscular therapy and rehabilitation techniques.
The key to the evidenced based model of chiropractic care is to diagnose not only the symptoms you have, but WHY you have them.
Example: Most often low back pain is coming from an injured disc, discs are the cushions in between each of your vertebrae. If we identify you have a disc injury, causing your pain, we must ask another more important question, ”WHY is your disc injured?”
If you ever went to doctor, whether it be an MD and felt rushed and only given a piece of the puzzle or another Chiropractor that wanted to see you for an absurd amount of visits, pay up front, or cattle herded through your treatment, at Optimal Health Chiropractic Center you will never feel this way. We will help you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and take time to discuss your problem, because no one knows you like you. We take the time so that we can uncover the root cause and then do what it takes to correct it, so you can live the life you want.
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